Holy Trinity Hotwells are delighted to be once again hosting as a venue for the West Bristol Arts Trail. Join us to view the work of amazing artists, including those from Hotwells Primary School! Pop-up cafe will be running.

On Sunday, there will be a smaller service at 10:30am held in the Church Hall.


Sunday Worship

  • 10:30am at Holy Trinity, every Sunday. Refreshments served after.

  • Saint Stephen’s at 5, every Sunday. Refreshments served from 4:45pm


  • Mondays at 9am at Holy Trinity - Morning Prayer using the Common Worship liturgy & lectionary readings for the day.

  • Thursdays at 9am at Saint Stephen’s - Morning Prayer using the Common Worship liturgy & lectionary readings for the day.

  • Thursday at 12:30pm at Saint Stephen’s - Lunchtime Eucharist.

Online Gatherings

If you are unable to join us in person or are curious to find out more before visiting please join us online by clicking here: Live-stream from Holy Trinity - Sundays at 10:30am

Other Gatherings

For our other regular gatherings please click the links or use the calendar below to find out more details:

Staying Connected


Bristol Harbourside Churches warmly welcome same-sex couples to come and celebrate their relationships with prayers for God’s blessing, using the newly-commended Prayers of Love and Faith. Please get in touch for more information.

Symbol for a Bronze Eco award from A Rocha

We are pleased to announce that Holy Trinity has been awarded a Bronze Eco Church Award from A Rocha, as we continue our increased focus on creation care.

Contact us

Links to local and national church resources

A listening service offering 30-minute one-to-one meetings over the telephone or in a video conference

A listening service offering 30-minute one-to-one meetings over the telephone or in a video conference